This is right from the oven ;) I was having those let's get this done with moments this weekend. I cut up some cardboard, yes this box is from assembled from scratch! Wrap them up with gingham, got my inner wrapping paper ready and felt and ribbons and most importantly my stitched piece and off I go.
A word of warning about using any gingham fabric, they don't align too well (at least the ones that I got), so it can get rather frustrating. Kinda think it turned out quite big, not too happy about that.
4" in height and the width, 7 3/4", length, 6 1/4". Should have scaled it down a little.
The tassle was made with DMC rayon (the one Radha gave me for the VSE) and bound with gold metallic thread. There's a good tutorial
here and
here (click Bricotruc)
Pardon the pics folks, it's actually red, my darn camera just can't pick the reds as well anymore.
Boxy Lady Project on NNC
Comment Notes: Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments and thank you all for dropping by. The welcome mat is always out! :)