Ain't it so true. Last night being a WIP night for us at the MYS Group, I did some small stitches. Because they were small they were quick to finish and that itself can be quite inspiring. This is what I completed last night.

It is a freebie from
Trail Creek Farm brought to the attention to the group by Lilian. I've got 3 more seasons to stitch, tonight's gonna be Winter :) I am using DMC Floss although perhaps it'll look nicer with WDW or GAST. I only have DMC so that is not an option. It's stitched on 28ct Jubilee.
I saw on a Prarie Schooler design (one that I won on Ebay) cover that motifs were stitched and made into small pillows with ribbons and all. That's what I am gonna do, beats going to the framers everytime.
this is nice, Barbara!